As with our coaching services, our Search & Selection services are based on a strict global protocol which is, of course, adapted to each client specific needs when we finalise our service offering and adapt it as the assignment progresses.
Our general approach is based on the steps described below.
Before the kick-off meeting, we will have drafted a preliminary understanding of the assignment based on the information received from the client, as well as our own market scan of its profile, business strategy, organisational structure, etc.
During the kick-off meeting we will precisely define with the client its needs, further understand its overall business and organisational contexts, specify in detail the ideal candidate profile, define the search strategy, agree on potential targets and finalise the assignment’s mission statement. The latter will serve as overall guidance for the Search project.
Our research team will start identifying target companies and suitable candidates and will define what we term a “benchmark list”. This list serves to refine our “Search Compass” as it helps to improve the definition and common understanding of the targeted profile with concrete (yet anonymous) potential candidates’ examples.
Our experience shows that investing some time and efforts by both parties in this part of the process significantly saves time and improve the assignment results down the line.
Based on the discussions about the benchmark list and the eventual adjustment of the mission statement, we will start our search to build a long list of suitable candidates; we send to the client every week a progress report and schedule progress meetings (usually virtually) to discuss the identified candidates and their preliminary profile ratings.
Candidates who are considered suitable are interviewed in depth with a view to evaluating their technical and behavioural competences, their motivation for the position and alignment with the values / corporate culture of the organisation. A written confidential report is issued on each qualified and interested candidate, outlining his/her experience and work history, present and desired compensation package, with comments on overall salient strengths, development opportunities, motivation and alignment with organisational values.
Based on our interview and screening reports, we will agree with the client on a short list of candidates to be interviewed (by the client alone or with us, if required). The number of candidates on the shortlist will depend on the context of the assignment, the targeted profile and the results of the assignment so far.
We will organise the interviews with each candidate, knowing that some clients’ HR departments prefer to deal directly with the candidate from this stage on.
Depending on the mission statement, we will also at this stage (if not done at an earlier one) carry out psychometric tests or more thorough assessment centres as defined in the mission statement.
Our assistance is also available to both the client and the candidates during the final negotiations. In all instances, it includes a thorough reference checking of the lead candidates.
We close off the assignment with a debriefing meeting during which we ask the client to assess our work and define the follow-up that is expected of us with the retained candidate. This follow-up can take various forms (for instance if we have carried out psychometric tests and/or assessment centres we can provide coaching services to work with the candidate on his/her development opportunities to accelerate his/her mastery of the position).
Regardless of specific agreements with the client, we do a regular follow-up with the retained candidate to enquire about how he/she is integrating in the position and is satisfied of his/her choice.
We pride ourselves of a high success rate in our search activities but always provide for a replacement at no cost within periods negotiated during the mission statement definition.
You can contact us as follows:
Phone: +352 621159384
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